Session times for 2020
Monday - Thursday 8.30 am - 3.15 pm
Group 1 Friday 1, 3, 5 and Group 2 Friday weeks 2, 4, 6 of each term 8.30 am -1.30 pm.
- ABSENCES - Please keep your child at home if he/she is not well. Please notify the staff.
- NAME BOARD - On arrival at each kindergarten session the children need to place a tag next to their name on the attendance board provided. This procedure ensures that the children are marked present as soon as they arrive at kindergarten . It also gives them a regular opportunity to recognize their name in print.
- SIGN IN SHEETS- Please sign your child in and out on the sheets provided on the outside table.
Please NAME all clothes and possessions, especially shoes, socks hats and bags. Please mark the bag so your child can easily identify it.
TOYS FROM HOME - It is difficult to keep track of toys and other precious belongings so please discourage your child from bringing them to kindergarten. Thank you.
Information is provided through regular newsletters, email, notes and website. Please check the pocket marked with your child's name. The pockets are located in the hallway.
Information about the Learning Program is displayed on the notice board in the corridor and on the whiteboard outside. Parents together with their child can contribute to our program by jotting their ideas on the board in the corridor. These will assist staff when planning learning experiences. Please feel free to discuss the program and your child's progress with the staff. This can be done informally or, if you prefer, make an appointment.