We like to have parents helping in the kindergarten and will at times ask for help with such things as gardening, repairing equipment, preparing materials and working bees.
LAUNDRY ROSTER - each family is asked to help with the laundry (paint smocks, kitchen linen etc). A roster is on display in the kitchen.
WE WELCOME PARENTS TO JOIN THE CHILDREN AT THEIR ACTIVITIES - doing puzzles, reading stories, playing ball games etc. We especially appreciate parents helping with cooking activities. If you have a special interest or talent that you would like to share with the children; please let us know in advance so that we can incorporate your ideas into our program.
The staff and elected parents manage the kindergarten jointly. The Council, elected each year, manages the kindergarten budget, fees and finances and promotes interest in the center throughout the community. It organizes information, social and fundraising functions, arranges for the purchase of equipment, maintains the building, grounds and equipment in a safe and hygienic condition and liaises with DfE and other community groups. Meetings are organized on a monthly basis and all parents are welcome to attend.